6 Tips to Give Your Patio a Wow Look

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You can make your patio look beautiful. You just need to have some basic and creative ideas to do that. Here are six great tips that can help you give your patio a wow look. Have a look.

Allow your Personal Style to Spread Outdoors

Make it a space to feel as comfortable and luxurious as possible. Bring out something that your guests would love. Don’t put your indoor furniture that’s in your living room in the outer space. Make sure you accessorise it rightly. Keep in mind that the patio is just an extension of the way you live. So, add some personal touches such as framed photos, artificial turf, candles or lanterns, pillows, cushions, garden statues and fountains.

Don’t be Scared of Eschewing your Patio Set

Pick and go for furniture pieces and fabrics the same you would do for your home’s interior. Think something like bright coloured chairs and table with a printed umbrella or pillows and cushions with unique accents and patterns. Mix and match should be your focus.

How About Making your Outdoor Space look like just another Room in your Home?

For this to happen you need to enclose your patio. Just upgrade it with a pergola and have curtains hanged to get the semi-enclosed look and feel. You can close your curtains if you need privacy. The curtains would serve you utmost when taking a quick nap and relaxing all by yourself. Your outdoor space at that time would turn out to be your intimate sanctuary.

Make Your Patio Look Big

You would definitely not want to make your patio look sparse. So, even if it is small, it would be okay for you to get oversized items like pillows on your couch or big plants on big planters. Fewer, but bigger items can make your small outdoor area look bigger.

Create Zones And Conquer

If you have a big outdoor area, you can create zones and conquer. Dividing up your patio into zones for varying functions like entertaining, relaxing and eating would be a great idea. Just make sure to put the right accessories in the different zones and accent the space with artificial and fake grass. Following this idea would give your space a wow look.

Lighting is the Focus

Don’t think of spending your lazy nights in dark. Make your patio a place where you can spend quality time with your family and friends in the night. For that to happen, the accent with lighting. If its an open space where you cannot hand lights, then place candles or indoor-outdoor lamps in the outdoors.

So, what are you waiting for? If you have an outdoor area in your house, make the best use of it with these ideas and liven the space up. A relaxing and comfy outdoor area is guaranteed.


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