Lumitester SMART-Use with LuciPac A3, 2 Min Unit Oral, 2 Min Perio-Analyse

The Lumitester measures the level of luminescence based on a biochemical reaction between ATP and Luciferase. The “luminescent analysis” used here enables measurement at a higher level of sensitivity than most analysis methods, and for this reason, a “luminometer” is required to pick up very feint light emissions. Conventional luminometers, however, are large, heavy, and... Continue Reading →

A New Impulse In Piezosurgery

Perform oral surgery on soft tissue quickly, precisely and safely. Electrosurge unit with 10 electrodes classified according to their size and hemostatic capacity. Incision, excision, fulguration and coagulation Fast and safe assembly used for: – Incisions/Excisions – Frenectomy – Gingivoplasty – Coagulation – Abscess incision – Exposure of impacted/retained teeth – Gingivectomy Buy Now

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